Legal entities and natural persons can check at any time how much state aid and de minimis aid was given to them and, upon logging into the register via the e-government gateway, download a generated certificate of de minimis aid received by them. The register is available at
The instructions for logging into the register are available here. If you have any questions or need help in generating a certificate, please contact us by e-mail or by phone +370 659 68276.
The aid data provider, having noticed an error or upon change of registered data on state aid or de minimis aid, must submit a request to the Competition Council for change of the data. The request is to be made in the register by filling in a request for data change or aid de-registration by use of a special electronic form available by the registered aid to be changed.
If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail or by phone +370 659 68276.