In Antitrust Writing Awards 2017 the Competition Council’s guidebook “Cooperation with public institutions: how to reduce the risks of competition law infringement?” (Guidebook) received an award for the most innovative soft law in the cross-border category. The Guidebook was assessed by 50 international antitrust experts.
The Council prepared the Guidebook to reduce the risks of competition law breaches, help companies and their associations answer questions that are likely to arise when cooperating with public institutions, and facilitate the evaluation of actions by public institutions that could create favorable conditions for companies to violate competition rules. In addition, the Guidebook provides examples of proper cooperation with public institutions and information on the actions of public institutions that might create conditions for anti-competitive behaviour.
It is not the first such award – in 2016 the World Bank Group announced the Council among the winners of the 2015-2016 Competition Advocacy Contest; in contest PaRa Impact Awards 2015 the Council received an award for the best press release of the year, while for two consecutive years antitrust and competition law journal and news service Global Competition Review has listed the Council among the most professional competition authorities in the world.