Today Karina Kučaidze has started her six-year tenure as a Council Member in the Lithuanian competition authority. She has been appointed by Gitanas Nausėda, President of the Republic of Lithuania, in line with the Constitution, the Law on Competition and upon the proposal of the Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė.
From 2016 K. Kučaidze was working at the UK’s competition regulator Competition and Markets Authority, firstly as a Principal Case Officer in Mergers and Antitrust units, and later as an Assistant Director. From 2012 to 2015 she worked as a Chief Expert of Anti-competitive Agreements Investigation Division at the Lithuanian competition authority.
“I am very excited to return to Konkurencijos taryba and work with its team of professionals. I hope that my previous experience will prove useful in safeguarding effective competition and making significant decisions”, said K. Kučaidze.
K. Kučaidze graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Economics from ISM University of Management and Economics and a Master’s degree from the University of Bath (UK).
The Law on Competition stipulates that the Chairman and Council Members are appointed by the President of the Republic of Lithuania upon the proposal of the Prime Minister. The Council Members are appointed for the tenure of six years, for not more than two consecutive terms of office.