The Lithuanian competition authority Konkurencijos taryba and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy successfully completed the European Union Twinning Project in Ukraine.
The main goal of the project which took place from 2016 to 2019 was to strengthen the capacities of the Anti-Monopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU) in enforcing anti-competitive behaviour of public and private undertakings, as well as to share the best practices of the EU competition law.
Having been involved in 98 project missions, 14 employees of Konkurencijos taryba and competition experts from Germany improved merger control procedures, provided to the AMCU recommendations on sector inquiries and application of competition law provisions. In addition, experts shared their insights on the alignement of the Ukrainian competition law with the EU legislation, as well as on the priority setting so that the AMCU‘s activities would bring most benefits to consumers and fair businesses.
In the 33-month project Konkurencijos taryba hosted two study visits for 15 experts from Ukraine. During these visits the AMCU’s staff learned about competition law investigations, analysis of evidence, dawn raids. When doing the internships in Lithuania, experts from Ukraine examined international experience on the investigation procedures, issues related to secure data transmission network, advocacy efforts, application of EBPO guide on competition impact assessment.
The Twinning project in Ukraine has been a valuable experience not only for the AMCU, but also for Lithuania. We hope that knowledge shared in the project will contribute to strengthening the Ukrainian competition authority, increasing the efficiency of its investigations, and will bring tangible results in the competition law system of our foreign counterparts.
Šarūnas Keserauskas, Chairman
It has been the third EU Twinning project that Konkurencijos taryba implemented with its partners from Germany. In 2013 and 2017 two such projects were completed in Armenia and Egypt.
In addition, since 2016 the Lithuanian competition authority has been implementing the international development project in Georgia, while since 2019 – in Serbia and Kosovo.