Competition Council (KT) presents two new questionnaires that should make the assessment of the state aid quicker and simpler. Both questionnaires are meant/ for undertakings and state institutions. The first one will guide through the state aid identification process while the second one will help to determine whether the receiver of the aid is related to other undertakings in the sense of de minimis aid.
State aid is an advantage in any form whatsoever conferred on a selective basis to undertakings by national public authorities. The first survey consists of five questions. By Answering these questions both undertakings and state institutions could assess the received aid and, thus, decide whether further reporting actions are required.
The second questionnaire is a useful tool in determining whether the receiver of the aid is related to other undertakings in the sense of de minims aid. On 1 July 2014, new de minimis Regulations came into force. According to these Regulations, prior to granting de minimis aid the assessment of a single undertaking must be carried out. The KT’s experts hope that the new questionnaire will make the implementation of de minimis Regulations easier.
Competition Council Spokesperson