Experts from Lithuania, Belgium and other countries finished implementing the EU technical assistance project which aimed to strengthen competition enforcement in Georgia. On 10 January up to 100 guests representing state authorities, business sector, academy and civil society attended the project closing ceremony in Tbilisi and summarized the project results.
In order to strengthen competition enforcement in Georgia, the EU experts, including the officials from Konkurencijos taryba, in collaboration with the Georgian Competition Agency and other stakeholders, contributed to bringing the Georgian legal framework closer to the European standards, prepared recommendations for the amendments to the Georgian competition law, conducted seminars for different target groups.
In 30 months, the project experts organized more than 40 training courses for raising the capacities of the Georgian Competition Agency’s staff, specific workshops for sector regulators and over 30 awareness-raising conferences for the representatives of public and private sector. Different guidelines were elaborated in the project framework as well.
“To improve competition enforcement in the country, more than 100 activities have been implemented during the EU project. We would like to thank everyone involved in the project for the support and collaboration. Today the main challenge for the Georgian Competition Agency is the need for efficient comprehensive legislation and high level of trust from undertakings, which would be defined by the results of cases accumulated over the years", said Irakli Lekvinadze, Chairman of the Competition Agency of Georgia, during the project closing event.
Summarizing the project results, Vincent Rey, representative of the European Union Delegation to Georgia, welcomed draft amendments to the competition law that would bring it closer to the EU standards for the benefit of business and citizens and hoped for a timely adoption of the amendments to the Georgian competition law by the Parliament.