The five-day visit of the staff of the Georgian National Competition Agency to Konkurencijos taryba concluded today, during which the guests got acquainted with the latest working practices of their Lithuanian colleagues, as well as visited several other Lithuanian institutions.

The competition law journal and news service Global Competition Review, which conducts an annual ranking of the world‘s competition authorities, gave the Lithuanian competition authority Konkurencijos taryba three stars of five for eight years in a row. Competition authorities from Belgium, Latvia, Poland, Switzerland and some other countries...

On March 30 the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (Court) has approved settlement agreements between the Lithuanian competition authority Konkurencijos taryba and the companies Jadrana and Pasvalio melioracija in which EUR 18,720 and EUR 151,430 respective individual fines assigned to the infringers for a cartel agreement have been...

With the numbers of companies moving their businesses online growing, the problems related to digital markets are becoming increasingly relevant for national competition authorities. It is a task for each competition authority to continuously strengthen its investigative capacities and technological skills, as well as develop close cooperation...

Driving schools and the Lithuanian association of driving schools (Association) which agreed to set prices of driving services for consumers will not avoid sanctions for cartel agreements. The Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (Court), which partially amended the judgment of the court of first instance, reduced the fines only for two...

The Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (Court) rejected the appeal by the German company Sypra which participated in the radioactive scrap metal auction conducted by Ignalina nuclear power plant and concluded a cartel. The Court did not reduce the fine imposed on the company by the Lithuanian competition authority.

The antitrust and competition law journal and news service Global Competition Review has conducted an annual survey of the world‘s leading competition authorities and for six years in a row gave the Lithuanian Konkurencijos taryba three stars out of five, placing it next to competition agencies from Sweden, Norway, Netherlands or Belgium.

Konkurencijos taryba found that in the public tender of Vilnius city cemetery maintenance services the firms belonging to the group of companies City Service SE concluded a cartel agreement with their competitor Naujininkų ūkis . Konkurencijos taryba fined these companies a total of EUR 412,100.

From July 1 persons who provide evidence enabling Konkurencijos taryba to detect anti-competitive agreements will be entitled to a financial reward. It is hoped that this will encourage the society to take a more active role in reporting to the Lithuanian competition authority cartels or other anti-competitive agreements entered into by the...

Konkurencijos taryba found that companies Pasvalio melioracija , Jadrana , Panevėžio melioracija and Biržų ranga concluded a bid-rigging cartel: cartelists colluded their actions and bids, including bid price, and agreed in advance on the winner of the tender. Konkurencijos taryba fined these companies a total of EUR 977,900.

The Lithuanian competition authority Konkurencijos taryba evaluated the judgement of Vilnius Regional Administrative Court repealling the watchdog‘s decision on a cartel agreement between the Lithuanian Chamber of Notaries and members of its Presidium, and decided to bring an appeal before the Supreme Administrative Court.

The District Court of Vilnius imposed a fine of almost EUR 500 on V. M. for failure to leave the managerial position in a company that was involved in a cartel agreement.