The Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (Court) partially satisfied the request of Konkurencijos taryba and restricted the right of Justinas Vanagas, manager of the firm VšĮ Media medis and Aušrinė Jurgelionytė, manager of Ministerium, to occupy managerial positions for 6 months and respectively imposed EUR 4,000 and EUR 2,000 fines for...
The District Court of Vilnius imposed a fine of almost EUR 500 on V. M. for failure to leave the managerial position in a company that was involved in a cartel agreement.
Vilnius Regional Administrative Court (Court) upheld the decision of the Lithuanian competition authority Konkurencijos taryba, according to which UAB Norvesta and the German company Sypra concluded a cartel agreement while participating in the radioactive scrap metal auction conducted by Ignalina nuclear power plant.
The Lithuanian Competition Council‘s advocacy efforts received international recognition in the Antitrust Writing Awards . The Guidelines on Anti-Competitive Agreements and Bid Rigging in Public Procurement prepared by the Council‘s experts have been voted as one of the five Most Innovative 2017 Soft Laws in the world.
Vilnius Regional Administrative Court (Court) upheld the Competition Council’s request to restrict the right of V. M. of Baltic Transport Service , A. F. of Convertus and G. I. of Gedarta to be the managers of a public or private legal person. It has been the first time when the Court imposed a sanction on the managers of the undertakings...
Vilnius County Court acknowledged D. J. guilty of an attempt to bribe an employee of the Lithuanian Competition Council and sentenced him to a suspended sentence of two years in prison, as well as imposed a fine of EUR 7,532.
The Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (Court) upheld the Competition Council’s decision on two bid rigging agreements.
Vilnius Regional Administrative Court (Court) upheld the Competition Council’s decision, according to which a bid rigging agreement was concluded by the companies acting in the municipal waste collection and transportation sector. The infringement of the Law on Competition resulted in fines.
The Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (Court) upheld the Competition Council’s decision, according to which in 2011–2012 construction companies concluded bid rigging agreements.
On 1–3 August representatives from the Egyptian Public Prosecution Office learned about the Competition Council’s experience while ensuring effective competition for the benefit of consumers.
Competition Council sent the Statement of Objections to several companies suspected in bid rigging. Ministerium , Nebūk briedis and TV Europa are suspected of entering into a cartel to win public tender of software production, while Nebūk briedis and Media medis - to win a public tender for infographics production. Hence, all five...