According to the Competition Council, free healthcare services funded by the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (CHIF) are considered non-economic activity and thus are not subject to the requirements of the Law on Competition. Consequently, the institution decided to terminate the investigation into doctor incentive program approved by the Akmenė...

To mark the end of a nearly five-year European Union (EU) technical assistance project in Kosovo, an EU-initiated roundtable was held in Pristina. It was attended by representatives of the authorities responsible for the implementation of the project, including experts from the Competition Council, the beneficiaries of the project – the Kosovo...

On February 22, 2023, the Lithuanian, German and Romanian authorities partnering under the EU Twinning project “Legal and Enforcement Support to the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU)” met to discuss the results that they have achieved during the project implementation. Over 30 representatives of relevant authorities of Ukraine, including...

The Lithuanian competition authority Konkurencijos taryba has found that the Lithuanian Pharmacy Association (LPA) and 8 pharmaceutical companies agreed on the margins of reimbursable medicines. The infringement of the Law on Competition and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union resulted in more than EUR 72 million in fines.

On October 6, heads of the Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian competition authorities met in Vilnius to discuss current competition law issues, including the review of business transactions covering all three Baltic states, as well as possible joint activities in the context of rising energy and other commodities prices caused by Russia‘s war in...

The competition law journal and news service Global Competition Review, which conducts an annual ranking of the world‘s competition authorities, gave the Lithuanian competition authority Konkurencijos taryba three stars of five for eight years in a row. Competition authorities from Belgium, Latvia, Poland, Switzerland and some other countries...

On 6–9 September experts from the Armenian Competition Protection Commission participated in a study visit to the Lithuanian competition authority Konkurencijos taryba, as well as to other institutions, and got acquainted with their activities and practice of international cooperation.

Having conducted the annual impact assessment of its activities, the Lithuanian competition authority Konkurencijos taryba calculated that direct expected benefits to consumers over the period of 2019–2021 amounted to an average of EUR 15.6 million per year and exceeded the authority’s annual budget 6.2 times.

In the strategic plan 2022 the Lithuanian Konkurencijos taryba has identified four priority sectors. The authority is planning to monitor more closely competition restrictions in the labour market, health sector (including pharmaceuticals), retail trade and e-commerce, as well as to take active enforcement and advocacy actions.

With the numbers of companies moving their businesses online growing, the problems related to digital markets are becoming increasingly relevant for national competition authorities. It is a task for each competition authority to continuously strengthen its investigative capacities and technological skills, as well as develop close cooperation...

The Lithuanian Competition Council is organising a traditional Baltic competition conference, which will take place on 18 May 2021 , and invites competition law practitioners, businesses, public sector and academic community for a discussion on the role of small competition authorities in investigating digital markets, developments and...