The Competition Council has decided to focus its attention on the energy, health (including pharmaceuticals), retail trade and digital markets sectors in 2024.

The competition law journal and news service Global Competition Review, which conducts an annual ranking of the world‘s competition authorities, gave the Lithuanian competition authority Konkurencijos taryba three stars of five for eight years in a row. Competition authorities from Belgium, Latvia, Poland, Switzerland and some other countries...

On 6–9 September experts from the Armenian Competition Protection Commission participated in a study visit to the Lithuanian competition authority Konkurencijos taryba, as well as to other institutions, and got acquainted with their activities and practice of international cooperation.

In the strategic plan 2022 the Lithuanian Konkurencijos taryba has identified four priority sectors. The authority is planning to monitor more closely competition restrictions in the labour market, health sector (including pharmaceuticals), retail trade and e-commerce, as well as to take active enforcement and advocacy actions.

On September 10, the management of the Baltic competition authorities met in Riga to discuss current competition law issues in the Baltic States and discuss cooperation, joint projects, and possible market analysis and studies.

A weekly news magazine Veidas honoured the best state institutions and civil servants, including the Lithuanian Competition Council.
The Lithuanian competition authority conducted a market study on the parallel import of pharmaceuticals. The aim of the study was to assess the situation in the Lithuanian pharmaceutical market and identify the main circumstances determining a low share of the trade of parallel imported pharmaceuticals in Lithuania, as well as to provide proposals on how effective competition could be ensured in the market.