According to the Competition Council, free healthcare services funded by the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (CHIF) are considered non-economic activity and thus are not subject to the requirements of the Law on Competition. Consequently, the institution decided to terminate the investigation into doctor incentive program approved by the Akmenė...

The Lithuanian competition authority Konkurencijos taryba supervising how municipalities comply with the Law on Competition when concluding in-house contracts will analyse whether they conform to the judicial interpretations of the Constitutional Court concerning the assessment of the impact of in-house contracts on fair competition.

The Lithuanian competition authority Konkurencijos taryba has found that the Lithuanian transport safety administration (LTSA) infringed the Law on Competition when it extended contracts with 42 regular road passenger transport service providers without a competitive procedure, thereby restricting competition and impeding the entry of new market...

Which public services should be provided by state and municipal companies and which should be entrusted to private companies? These questions were raised by participants of the international conference “Do We Need Competition in Public Services”. The event, which took place on September 16 in Vilnius, was organized by Konkurencijos taryba in...
The Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (Court) upheld the Competition Council’s decision, according to which Šiauliai City Municipality granted privileges to the municipal company Busturas and restricted competition in the sector of passenger transportation services for 10 years.
The Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania acknowledged that in 2004 and 2005 the Minister of the Interior adopted legal acts which granted exclusive rights to the state enterprise Infostruktūra and thus restricted the freedom of economic activity. According to the Court, such legal regulation infringed the constitutional principle of the rule of law.

The Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (Court) rejected the appeal by Litesko and upheld the Council’s decision, according to which Alytus City Municipality infringed the Law on Competition.
The Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania upheld the Competition Council’s decision, according to which Klaipėda City Municipality breached the Law on Competition by authorising five municipal companies to provide shared taxi services without a competitive procedure.

Seimas adopted amendments to the Law on Competition and the Law on Local Self-Government initiated by the President of the Republic of Lithuania. From 1 January 2017 public administrative bodies will face fines for competition law breaches and stricter regulation related to economic activities carried out by municipal companies.
On 15 September Vilnius Regional Administrative Court (hereinafter – Court) upheld the Competition Council‘s decision of 6 June 2016 whereby Šiauliai City Municipality (hereinafter – Municipality) restricted competition and consumer rights in the sector of passenger transportation services.

The Competition Council‘s Chairman Šarūnas Keserauskas (hereinafter – Chairman) met with Visvaldas Matijošaitis, Mayor of Kaunas City Municipality (hereinafter – Municipality), to discuss competition law issues and suggest solutions to competition problems in the Municipality.
The Competition Council (hereinafter – Council) found that Pakruojis District Municipality (hereinafter – Municipality) failed to meet the Council‘s obligation – create non-discriminatory conditions for undertakings willing to provide municipal waste collection and transportation services (hereinafter – Services) in Pakruojis district.