To mark the end of a nearly five-year European Union (EU) technical assistance project in Kosovo, an EU-initiated roundtable was held in Pristina. It was attended by representatives of the authorities responsible for the implementation of the project, including experts from the Competition Council, the beneficiaries of the project – the Kosovo...

Considering the rapid development of electric vehicle (EV) charging station infrastructure in Lithuania, the Competition Council has decided to monitor whether there are any barriers to competition in this sector.

Today, the Seimas has adopted amendments to the Law on Competition and the Law on Local Self-Government, which allow municipalities to enter into in-house contracts with the companies they control and to transfer the management of municipal real estate to them without a competitive procedure.

Konkurencijos taryba has decided that the Municipality of Palanga (Municipality) infringed the Law on Competition by transferring the management of a swimming pool and the provision of various types of services, including commercial ones, without a competitive procedure, to its own institution Palangos investicijų valdymas .

The Lithuanian competition authority Konkurencijos taryba supervising how municipalities comply with the Law on Competition when concluding in-house contracts will analyse whether they conform to the judicial interpretations of the Constitutional Court concerning the assessment of the impact of in-house contracts on fair competition.

On March 30 the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (Court) has approved settlement agreements between the Lithuanian competition authority Konkurencijos taryba and the companies Jadrana and Pasvalio melioracija in which EUR 18,720 and EUR 151,430 respective individual fines assigned to the infringers for a cartel agreement have been...

The Lithuanian competition authority Konkurencijos taryba has found that the companies Sanitex , Sotėja , Selnera , Maistulis and Egilėja rigged their bids, including the price, in public procurements for the purchase of food products organised by or for the benefit of educational institutions and social service providers. Since the firms...

The Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (Court) rejected the appeal of the Lithuanian competition authority and upheld the decision of the court of first instance which ordered the authority to revisit joint bid-rigging fine imposed on the companies Jadrana and Pasvalio melioracija .

Which public services should be provided by state and municipal companies and which should be entrusted to private companies? These questions were raised by participants of the international conference “Do We Need Competition in Public Services”. The event, which took place on September 16 in Vilnius, was organized by Konkurencijos taryba in...

Konkurencijos taryba found that companies Pasvalio melioracija , Jadrana , Panevėžio melioracija and Biržų ranga concluded a bid-rigging cartel: cartelists colluded their actions and bids, including bid price, and agreed in advance on the winner of the tender. Konkurencijos taryba fined these companies a total of EUR 977,900.

The Lithuanian Competition Council‘s advocacy efforts received international recognition in the Antitrust Writing Awards . The Guidelines on Anti-Competitive Agreements and Bid Rigging in Public Procurement prepared by the Council‘s experts have been voted as one of the five Most Innovative 2017 Soft Laws in the world.
The Competition Council refused to give a permission to a municipal company of Kelmė District Municipality regarding the provision of heavy vehicle washing services.