On March 30 the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (Court) has approved settlement agreements between the Lithuanian competition authority Konkurencijos taryba and the companies Jadrana and Pasvalio melioracija in which EUR 18,720 and EUR 151,430 respective individual fines assigned to the infringers for a cartel agreement have been...

The Lithuanian competition authority Konkurencijos taryba has found that the companies Sanitex , Sotėja , Selnera , Maistulis and Egilėja rigged their bids, including the price, in public procurements for the purchase of food products organised by or for the benefit of educational institutions and social service providers. Since the firms...

The Lithuanian competition authority Konkurencijos taryba cleared the acquisition of 100 per cent and sole control of the Estonian insurance company Seesam Insurance by the Austrian company VIENNA INSURANCE GROUP AG Wiener Versicherung Gruppe (VIG).