The Competition Council found that Oda LT and six companies distributing its skin care products agreed not to sell Oda LT products to consumers at prices lower than those indicated by the manufacturer. For the anticompetitive agreement, fines totalling 217,280 Euros were imposed on the companies Oda LT , Garbanė , GSS Baltic , Permanent...

The Competition Council, after conducting monitoring of online marketplaces, did not identify any obvious illegal competition restraints or other factors that effectively restrict competition in electronic commerce. However, the Authority has drawn the attention of the sector to certain business practices that may pose a risk of restricting...

Today, the Seimas has adopted amendments to the Law on Competition and the Law on Local Self-Government, which allow municipalities to enter into in-house contracts with the companies they control and to transfer the management of municipal real estate to them without a competitive procedure.

What benefits does an open, competitive labour market provide, and why shouldn't employers negotiate among themselves regarding employees' working conditions? Answers to these and other questions are provided in the guidance which the Competition Council has sent to the most important organisations that unite employers and employees.

Today, the President of the Republic of Lithuania Gitanas Nausėda, in accordance with the Constitution, the Law on Competition and having considered the proposal of Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė, signed a decree appointing Jolanta Ivanauskienė as the Chairwoman of the Lithuanian Konkurencijos taryba for a six-year term. Starting from 2 May...

On February 22, 2023, the Lithuanian, German and Romanian authorities partnering under the EU Twinning project “Legal and Enforcement Support to the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU)” met to discuss the results that they have achieved during the project implementation. Over 30 representatives of relevant authorities of Ukraine, including...

On 16–20 January employees of the Anti-monopoly Committee of Ukraine took part in a study visit in Lithuania during which they participated in meetings with experts from the competition authority Konkurencijos taryba, Vilnius Regional Administrative Court, as well as from the Communications Regulatory Authority, and learned about the working...

On 14 and 15 November the 18th Baltic Competition Conference was held and this time it was dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Competition Council of Latvia. In the conference the special attention was paid to involvement of public administrative bodies - state and local governments – in business, as well as challenges of competition law of...

29 September 2022, Tbilisi . The launch event of the new EU-funded Twinning project “Strengthening Capacity of the Competition Agency of Georgia“ was held at Tbilisi Marriott hotel. The project aims to assist Georgia to align the normative and legal framework of the Competition Agency of Georgia with the Union acquis and other good international...

We, the heads of the Lithuanian, Estonian, Latvian and Polish Competition Authorities, support the condemnation by our national governments of Russia‘s open large-scale aggression against an independent, peaceful, and democratic state of Ukraine.

We, the heads of the Lithuanian, Estonian and Latvian Competition Authorities, support the condemnation by our national governments of Russia‘s open large-scale aggression against an independent, peaceful, and democratic state of Ukraine.

The Regional Conference "State Aid and Western Balkans’ Economies" gathered on 24 November 2021 representatives of the Serbian Commission for State Aid Control, European Commission, state aid control bodies from the region and European experts who exchanged experience during the current COVID-19 pandemic, which has significantly affected the...