The Lithuanian competition authority Konkurencijos taryba has found that the Lithuanian transport safety administration (LTSA) infringed the Law on Competition when it extended contracts with 42 regular road passenger transport service providers without a competitive procedure, thereby restricting competition and impeding the entry of new market...

The Lithuanian competition authority Konkurencijos taryba has launched an investigation into a suspected anti-competitive agreement among the Lithuanian Basketball League (Lietuvos krepšinio lyga – LKL) and basketball clubs after evaluating their exchange of information on the terms of payment of basketball players‘ salaries during the meeting...

The Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (Court) partially satisfied the request of Konkurencijos taryba and restricted the right of Justinas Vanagas, manager of the firm VšĮ Media medis and Aušrinė Jurgelionytė, manager of Ministerium, to occupy managerial positions for 6 months and respectively imposed EUR 4,000 and EUR 2,000 fines for...

Vilnius Regional Administrative Court (Court) satisfied the request of Konkurencijos taryba to impose personal liability on the former manager of Žagarės inžinerija for his direct involvement in the anti-competitive agreement between his firm and its competitor. The Court decided to restrict the right of the company’s manager to occupy...

From July 1 persons who provide evidence enabling Konkurencijos taryba to detect anti-competitive agreements will be entitled to a financial reward. It is hoped that this will encourage the society to take a more active role in reporting to the Lithuanian competition authority cartels or other anti-competitive agreements entered into by the...

Konkurencijos taryba found that companies Pasvalio melioracija , Jadrana , Panevėžio melioracija and Biržų ranga concluded a bid-rigging cartel: cartelists colluded their actions and bids, including bid price, and agreed in advance on the winner of the tender. Konkurencijos taryba fined these companies a total of EUR 977,900.

The District Court of Vilnius imposed a fine of almost EUR 500 on V. M. for failure to leave the managerial position in a company that was involved in a cartel agreement.

The Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania agreed to renew court proceedings concerning an anti-competitive agreement on the biofuel market as requested by the Lithuanian competition authority Konkurencijos taryba.

The Competition Council informed the Centre of Registers, which is responsible for administering the Register of Legal Entities, that Vilnius Regional Administrative Court restricted the right of Vitalijus Mukovozas, Manager of Baltic Transport Service , Andrejus Falevičius, Manager of Convertus and Gediminas Ivanauskas, Manager of Gedarta...

Vilnius Regional Administrative Court (Court) upheld the Competition Council’s request to restrict the right of V. M. of Baltic Transport Service , A. F. of Convertus and G. I. of Gedarta to be the managers of a public or private legal person. It has been the first time when the Court imposed a sanction on the managers of the undertakings...
The Competition Council found that UAB Norvesta and the German company Sypra concluded a cartel agreement while participating in the radioactive scrap metal auction conducted by Ignalina nuclear power plant, and thus were fined EUR 27,500 and EUR 27,100 respectively.

This September the Council‘s experts embarked on a mission to teach Vilnius pupils more about fair competition and its benefits brought to business and consumers, which appeared to be something that is self-evident to them.