On 14 and 15 November the 18th Baltic Competition Conference was held and this time it was dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Competition Council of Latvia. In the conference the special attention was paid to involvement of public administrative bodies - state and local governments – in business, as well as challenges of competition law of...
Today the Lithuanian Government adopted a resolution approving the description of the procedure for setting fines for infringements of the Law on Competition. A more detailed regulation of the methodology for setting fines, which will apply from 1 May 2023, will result in fewer preconditions for disputes in courts concerning the amount of fines...
T oday t he Lithuanian competition authority Konkurencijos taryba r efused t o clear the acquisition of 1 00 per cent of the s hares and sole control of the Lithuanian company B altic M ill by the L atvian firm D obeles d zirnavnieks . The a uthority f ound t hat t he merger w ould c reate o r s trengthen the...
Today the Lithuanian competition authority Konkurencijos taryba has refused to clear the merger whereby the Estonian company Piletilevi Group acquired 100 per cent of the shares and sole control of the Lithuanian ticket distributor Tiketa. The authority found that the merger created or strengthened a dominant position or substantially...
The Lithuanian competition authority Konkurencijos taryba supervising how municipalities comply with the Law on Competition when concluding in-house contracts will analyse whether they conform to the judicial interpretations of the Constitutional Court concerning the assessment of the impact of in-house contracts on fair competition.
We, the ECN, join the European Council in its statement of 24 February 2022 (link), to condemn in the strongest possible terms Russia’s unprecedented military aggression against Ukraine. We stand firmly by Ukraine and its people as they face this war. We are fully aware of the social and economic consequences for Ukraine as well as for the EU/EEA.
The Lithuanian competition authority Konkurencijos taryba has sent a letter to the firms managing five major retail chains urging them to take into account the recent changes in market conditions and to refrain from actions incompatible with good business practices in respect of food and drink suppliers which suspended or delayed the execution...
The study of the Lithuanian businesses’ understanding of the rights and obligations established in the Law on Competition has revealed that although many interviewed companies are aware of the main competition law principles, there is a lack of knowledge about the application of certain law provisions, liability for infringements and the...
In the strategic plan 2022 the Lithuanian Konkurencijos taryba has identified four priority sectors. The authority is planning to monitor more closely competition restrictions in the labour market, health sector (including pharmaceuticals), retail trade and e-commerce, as well as to take active enforcement and advocacy actions.
The Lithuanian competition authority Konkurencijos taryba has cleared the acquisition of joint control of InMedica and, indirectly, MediCA klinika , Kardiolita , Bendrosios medicinos praktika and Svalbono klinika by the investment fund INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund and the companies Litgaja and RP PHARMA on condition that part of the...
Today, the President of the Republic of Lithuania Gitanas Nausėda, in accordance with the Constitution, the Law on Competition and taking into account the proposal of Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė, signed a decree appointing Irma Urmonaitė as a member of Konkurencijos taryba. She will take up her duties from 10 September.
The Lithuanian competition authority’s experts expressed doubts whether the obligation for all operators acting in Lithuania to share radio frequencies of the 700 MHz band, which will be the main (or one of the main) frequencies for the development of 5G technology, would be necessary and proportionate to the objectives pursued.