The Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (Court) confirmed the findings of the Competition Council’s investigation, establishing that the Lithuanian Chamber of Notaries restricted competition among notaries and violated both the Competition Law and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). An expanded panel of judges,...

The OECD Economics Department is organising jointly with the Competition Division an online workshop on Regulatory Barriers to Competition in Professional Services, which will take place on 18–19 November 2021, and invites scholars, professional associations and other relevant policymakers and stakeholders of OECD countries to submit papers,...

The Lithuanian competition authority Konkurencijos taryba has found the fixed and minimum rates of notary fees approved by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania to restrict the ability of notaries to compete on prices. Having failed to ensure the freedom of fair competition, the Ministry of Justice received a fine of EUR 43,000...

The Lithuanian competition authority Konkurencijos taryba evaluated the judgement of Vilnius Regional Administrative Court repealling the watchdog‘s decision on a cartel agreement between the Lithuanian Chamber of Notaries and members of its Presidium, and decided to bring an appeal before the Supreme Administrative Court.
The Competition Council found that the Lithuanian Chamber of Notaries and members of its Presidium concluded an anti-competitive agreement by setting the amount of notary fees and agreeing upon their calculation procedure. The Council imposed EUR 88,400 fine on the Lithuanian Chamber of Notaries, and fines ranging from EUR 100 to EUR 20,800 on eight members of the Presidium for the infringements of the Law on Competition and the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union.