The Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania upheld the Competition Council’s decision, according to which Klaipėda City Municipality breached the Law on Competition by authorising five municipal companies to provide shared taxi services without a competitive procedure.

The Competition Council found that having acquired about 51 per cent of Vievio paukštynas shares and gained control over the company, Kauno grūdai implemented unnotified merger. For the infringement of the Law on Competition, the Council fined Kauno grūdai EUR 947,700.
The Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania upheld the Competition Council‘s decision of 11 February 2015, according to which two competitors UAB Lukrida and UAB Manfula fixed the prices of internal combustion engines purchased from UAB Envija and restricted competition in the combined heat and power plants construction market.
The Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (hereinafter – Court) upheld the Lithuanian Competition Council’s decision of December 12, 2014 whereby UAB AMIC Lietuva (former UAB Lukoil Baltija ) received a fine of EUR 3 297 700.

On February 24, 2017 the Competition Council terminated the investigation into the requirements for pharmacy premises and equipment approved by the Ministry of Health in 2003 (hereinafter – Requirements). The investigation was terminated after the Ministry of Health amended the Requirements to ensure equal competitive opportunities...

Dalia Grybauskaitė, President of the Republic of Lithuania, adopted amendments to the Law on Competition (Law). From February 1 it will be easier for victims of antitrust violations to defend their rights by claiming compensation for damages suffered due to such infringements.
On December 5, 2016 the Competition Council found that in 2014 UAB Žagarės inžinerija and UAB Rovaltra (hereinafter – Companies) concluded a collusive bidding agreement while participating in the public procurement for the purchase of machinery organised by UAB Fontas LT , and thus breached the Law on Competition.

Seimas adopted amendments to the Law on Competition and the Law on Local Self-Government initiated by the President of the Republic of Lithuania. From 1 January 2017 public administrative bodies will face fines for competition law breaches and stricter regulation related to economic activities carried out by municipal companies.
On 15 September Vilnius Regional Administrative Court (hereinafter – Court) upheld the Competition Council‘s decision of 6 June 2016 whereby Šiauliai City Municipality (hereinafter – Municipality) restricted competition and consumer rights in the sector of passenger transportation services.

The Competition Council‘s Chairman Šarūnas Keserauskas (hereinafter – Chairman) met with Visvaldas Matijošaitis, Mayor of Kaunas City Municipality (hereinafter – Municipality), to discuss competition law issues and suggest solutions to competition problems in the Municipality.

On 29 August Vilnius Regional Administrative Court (hereinafter – Court) rejected the appeal by Panevėžys City Municipality (hereinafter – Municipality) against the Competition Council‘s decision of 16 July 2016 whereby the Municipality restricted competition and consumer rights in the municipal waste management sector.
Vilnius Regional Administrative Court (hereinafter – Court) rejected the appeals by UAB Aštuoniukė , UAB Audresta and UAB Vežesta and upheld the Competition Council‘s decision whereby Klaipėda City Municipality (hereinafter – Municipality) breached Article 4 of the Law on Competition.