The Competition Council found that UAB Norvesta and the German company Sypra concluded a cartel agreement while participating in the radioactive scrap metal auction conducted by Ignalina nuclear power plant, and thus were fined EUR 27,500 and EUR 27,100 respectively.

The Competition Council found that joint bids submitted by two Lithuanian construction firms UAB Irdaiva and AB Panevėžio statybos trestas (PST) restricted competition “by object”, in breach of Article 5 of the Law on Competition (national equivalent of Article 101 TFEU), as both firms could have bid separately. The fines imposed on firms...
The Competition Council cleared the merger of the Finnish-based companies active within the construction industry Lemminkäinen Oyj and YIT Oyj .
The Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (Court) concluded that the company Baltic Ticket Holdings which acquired UAB Nacionalinis bilietų platintojas shall submit a merger filing to the Competition Council which started merger control proceedings on its own initiative.
The Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (Court) upheld the Competition Council’s decision on two bid rigging agreements.
The Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania acknowledged that in 2004 and 2005 the Minister of the Interior adopted legal acts which granted exclusive rights to the state enterprise Infostruktūra and thus restricted the freedom of economic activity. According to the Court, such legal regulation infringed the constitutional principle of the rule of law.

The Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (hereinafter – Court) upheld the Competition Council‘s decision, according to which the security company G4S Lietuva (G4S) infringed the Law on Competition by concluding anti-competitive agreements in the market of cash-handling services and received EUR 2.7 million fine.

Vilnius Regional Administrative Court (Court) upheld the Competition Council’s decision, according to which a bid rigging agreement was concluded by the companies acting in the municipal waste collection and transportation sector. The infringement of the Law on Competition resulted in fines.

The Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (Court) upheld the Competition Council’s decision, according to which in 2011–2012 construction companies concluded bid rigging agreements.
The Competition Council found that UAB koncernas Achemos grupė implemented an unnotified merger by acquiring sole control of UAB Jūros vartai and AB KLAIPĖDOS LAIVŲ REMONTAS . For the infringement of the Law on Competition, the Council fined Achemos grupė EUR 54,700.

The Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (Court) rejected the appeal by Litesko and upheld the Council’s decision, according to which Alytus City Municipality infringed the Law on Competition.
After the final ruling of the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania, UAB AMIC Lietuva (former UAB Lukoil Baltija) paid a fine of EUR 3,297,700 and EUR 536,339 of interest.