Businesses are currently facing particular challenges due to the coronavirus crisis, which may encourage companies to cooperate with each other in order to overcome the negative consequences to the benefit of consumers, for example by ensuring the supply of scarce products.

As a result of the quarantine measures preventing the spread of COVID-19 adopted by the Lithuanian Government, Konkurencijos taryba has cancelled the seminars for national judges which were planned in Vilnius on 6–7 April and 15 May 2020.

After transposing the Antitrust Damages Actions Directive into national law, there has been an increase in the number of antitrust damage cases. Seeking to provide an opportunity for national judges to deepen their knowledge in the enforcement of the European competition law, Konkurencijos taryba is carrying out the project funded by the...

The Lithuanian competition authority Konkurencijos taryba and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy successfully completed the European Union Twinning Project in Ukraine.
March 20 marked the end of the EU Twinning Project on building the administrative capacities of the Egyptian Competition Authority (ECA). The Lithuanian Competition Council participated in the 2-year-long project together with the German Competition Authority.