Vilnius Regional Administrative Court (Court) satisfied the request of Konkurencijos taryba to impose personal liability on the former manager of Žagarės inžinerija for his direct involvement in the anti-competitive agreement between his firm and its competitor. The Court decided to restrict the right of the company’s manager to occupy...

From July 1 persons who provide evidence enabling Konkurencijos taryba to detect anti-competitive agreements will be entitled to a financial reward. It is hoped that this will encourage the society to take a more active role in reporting to the Lithuanian competition authority cartels or other anti-competitive agreements entered into by the...

Today Seimas adopted amendments to the Law on Competition of the Republic of Lithuania. One of the major changes concern the right of the Lithuanian competition authority to remunerate whistleblowers that provide information about anti-competitive agreements.

September 4 marked the start of a two-day Eastern European Competition Workshop in Vilnius. The event, which was organised by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission in partnership with the Lithuanian competition authority Konkurencijos taryba, gathered almost 50 competition experts from Lithuania, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia,...

The Lithuanian Competition Council‘s advocacy efforts received international recognition in the Antitrust Writing Awards . The Guidelines on Anti-Competitive Agreements and Bid Rigging in Public Procurement prepared by the Council‘s experts have been voted as one of the five Most Innovative 2017 Soft Laws in the world.

The security company G4S Lietuva (G4S) has failed in trying to reopen the proceedings against the Competition Council’s decision imposing the fine on the company for anti-competitive agreements in the market of cash-handling services.

Vilnius County Court acknowledged D. J. guilty of an attempt to bribe an employee of the Lithuanian Competition Council and sentenced him to a suspended sentence of two years in prison, as well as imposed a fine of EUR 7,532.

This September the Council‘s experts embarked on a mission to teach Vilnius pupils more about fair competition and its benefits brought to business and consumers, which appeared to be something that is self-evident to them.

The Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (hereinafter – Court) upheld the Competition Council‘s decision, according to which the security company G4S Lietuva (G4S) infringed the Law on Competition by concluding anti-competitive agreements in the market of cash-handling services and received EUR 2.7 million fine.
During the school year the Council‘s experts will be visiting a number of schools in Vilnius to teach senior pupils the principles of effective competition, its benefits for consumers, as well as help them recognise anti-competitive agreements and misleading advertising, as part of the competition advocacy project “Competition Council goes to school“.

The Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (Court) upheld the Competition Council’s decision, according to which in 2011–2012 construction companies concluded bid rigging agreements.

On 1–3 August representatives from the Egyptian Public Prosecution Office learned about the Competition Council’s experience while ensuring effective competition for the benefit of consumers.