We, the ECN, join the European Council in its statement of 24 February 2022 (link), to condemn in the strongest possible terms Russia’s unprecedented military aggression against Ukraine. We stand firmly by Ukraine and its people as they face this war. We are fully aware of the social and economic consequences for Ukraine as well as for the EU/EEA.

The Lithuanian competition authority Konkurencijos taryba found that the Lithuanian Basketball League ( Lietuvos krepšinio lyga – LKL) and 10 basketball clubs concluded an anti-competitive agreement when they decided not to pay basketball players salaries or other financial remuneration for the rest of the season after the termination of the...

Today Irma Urmonaitė has started her six-year tenure as a Council Member in the Lithuanian competition authority. She was appointed by Gitanas Nausėda, President of the Republic of Lithuania, in line with the Constitution, the Law on Competition and upon the proposal of the Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė.

Today, the President of the Republic of Lithuania Gitanas Nausėda, in accordance with the Constitution, the Law on Competition and taking into account the proposal of Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė, signed a decree appointing Irma Urmonaitė as a member of Konkurencijos taryba. She will take up her duties from 10 September.

Driving schools and the Lithuanian association of driving schools (Association) which agreed to set prices of driving services for consumers will not avoid sanctions for cartel agreements. The Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (Court), which partially amended the judgment of the court of first instance, reduced the fines only for two...

After transposing the Antitrust Damages Actions Directive into national law, there has been an increase in the number of antitrust damage cases. Seeking to provide an opportunity for national judges to deepen their knowledge in the enforcement of the European competition law, Konkurencijos taryba is carrying out the project funded by the...

From July 1 persons who provide evidence enabling Konkurencijos taryba to detect anti-competitive agreements will be entitled to a financial reward. It is hoped that this will encourage the society to take a more active role in reporting to the Lithuanian competition authority cartels or other anti-competitive agreements entered into by the...
The Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania rejected the appeal by UAB Forum Cinemas against the Competition Council’s decision whereby the company was fined EUR 1,384,300 for fixing prices of cinema tickets as part of two separate cartel agreements.
The Competition Council found that UAB Norvesta and the German company Sypra concluded a cartel agreement while participating in the radioactive scrap metal auction conducted by Ignalina nuclear power plant, and thus were fined EUR 27,500 and EUR 27,100 respectively.

The Competition Council found a number of occasion wear shops operating in Vilnius guilty of a cartel that set a fixed dress try-on fee for customers. Firms received fines ranging from EUR 1 to EUR 1,960, with seven out of 12 cartel members admitting the infringement.

Heads of the Competition Council, the Public Procurement Office and the Special Investigation Service have signed a collaboration agreement.

Šarūnas Keserauskas, Chairman of the Competition Council (hereinafter – the Council), presented the authority‘s achievements of 2015 to the members of the Cabinet.